Sunday, December 25, 2011

Chasing your dream

Everyone has a dream, something that consumes their passions.  It could be painting, writing, comedy, dance or a multitude of other things.  There is nothing wrong with that either.  Dreams are what inspire us to do great things and to work hard.  I think everyone should chase their dreams.

So what does chasing your dream have to do with Man Points?  Well to put it simply there is a manly way and an unmanly way to chase your dreams.

The way to chase your dream and retain (or possibly earn more) Man Points is by working.  Work hard.  Have a skill.  Something that you can do during the day to pay your bills and be self sufficient.  That is what my parents always taught me.  They didn't care if I chased my dream (no matter what it was) provided I had a skill to put food on my table and a roof over my head, something beyond waiting tables or washing dishes.  A trade if you will.

So how did I acquire my skills?  I sacrificed.  I went into the military and spent six years honing my talents and abilities.  I worked hard at a career field that I don't love (I don't hate it either) in order to become a professional.  I can put food on my table, gas in my car and keep a roof over my head.  I am a skilled worker.

Unfortunately there seems to be quite a few individuals who are opting for the easy way out.  They live at home with their parents, even after college.  They sponge off of them, working dead-end jobs and part-time endeavors.  Remaining dependent upon their parents when they should be out in the real world learning how to survive and thrive.  Life is about sacrifice.  Not everyone likes their day job, but we do it to keep ourselves fed and warm.

So go out and find a job, a career even.  Yeah it might not be the most enjoyable thing in the world, but how else will you be ready if your dream takes off?  Will mommy and daddy be there to hold your hand?  Doubtful. What if you dream never happens?  A scary thought, but a possibility we should all prepare for.  After all not every dream comes true.  Do you think you can honestly live at home with your parents forever?  Man up, move out and become an adult.

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